Saturday, August 4, 2012

5: Creating an MV Youtube Channel

Wow, that was way too easy.  Now I see why there are so many videos on Youtube.  It is simple to put anything up.  I looked at quite a few other people's channels, and they had some cool videos posted on their channels.  I love Karen's video of her vacation put to music with titles for the different places she went.  I am hoping to do something like this on my 2 week Colorado trip that I am going on later this week.  Some also just posted their activity from activity 4.  I wanted to try to record something new to see if I could do it, and also so my blog wasn't repeating itself.

I think that having a Youtube channel will help keep me more organized, with all of the video clips that I use in the same place.  I am curious to know who will have access to all of my videos, and that makes me nervous about recording myself/including my face in the videos.


  1. It's kind of scary how easy it is! I know what you mean about being leery of recording yourself. With the MV Youtube though, you can limit who can see your video and who can comment on it, if anyone.

    Have fun in Colorado!

  2. What have you found to be the best way to upload your own video? It seems to take forever, I think perhaps we just need to get better internet... Am I right that I can upload a digital video file straight from the SD card to You Tube? I must try this!

  3. It is true that it was very easy to create the youtube channel. I haven't put up a video yet, but I hope it's as easy as you say! What I really like about it is that the videos that I want to show don't have the inappropriate ads anymore!
